Friday, December 30, 2005


I was flipping through my java book and stuck in a particular section.i can't really understand that particular section which sounded like greek to me when i tried forcing it down my brain.oh well..i guess i hafta ask my dear to explain the greek section to me.ha. a few hours's gonna be the new year, can't believe that a year has just passed so fast.But's another new year and i guess there'll be new hopes,goals and stuffs to achieve.i think the streets are gonna be packed again tonight,with people spraying party ribbons on passers-by and friend just ranted his unpleasant encounter regarding spraying of party ribbons to me.well..what really struck his nerve was that he was walking down and squeezing past the suffocating crowds in town with his friends and got sprayed by this group of people.

oh..and when he added on regarding the people that sprayed him,the unmistakably frustration and racism just punched into his tone. "Those fucking Blangahs.I think they should spray on themselves and not waste it on passers-by to prevent accidents from happening man!!" he said.
For those who can't really understand what he said..actually he meant those blangahs were too black(racism) ,thus they should be considerate and use the spray on themselves to improve visibility at night for the sake of lesser hit and run cases on the road.especially at night.

And i think he wore his favourite shirt when he was being sprayed guess he was just one of the unlucky ones who got sprayed at on christmas.ha.oh yes..thank god julian is out of the ICU and recuperating at home now.It's a perfect christmas gift to his parents upon seeing him get better.anyway..all the best to everyone in the new year that's hot on it's toes.enjoy the night celebrating =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the blangahs are really tat chilidish? how u managed to dodge from these ppl's sprays?

06 January, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha..i was lucky.didn't dodge them.ha

07 January, 2006  

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