So i went to the zoo for my 8 months anniversary.Well,it wasn't as bad as i thought,in fact,it was so much better,and i seriously liked it.

There's cheers at the entrance of the zoo.See,i told you the zoo ain't that bad,it's not that wild everywhere.
It's mr peacock welcoming us when we began our zoo-sary walk.
We saw this goat lazing around in the morning and decided to take a shot hoping to capture it in our background,well,we did..but perhaps it's a little camera shy.
Then we saw this camel actually posing for the camera.Wow he sure feels so photogenic,see,this is the life you get in the zoo,posing,lazing and feeding.So much difference from the wild eh.
It sure looked like the 3 bears without goldilocks.Alright i was kidding,they are not the characters associated with goldilocks,they're just black bears that can kill you with a slap when they grow up.
We tried to capture the shot with the bears enclosure as the background,but well,guessed the bears went back to their hole to have their porridge.
And we did capture this animal "i forgot what it's called" in our background.
Who says polar bears can only be in those cold regions,look how happy he is enjoying sauna in the zoo.
So we headed for the animal show which starts at 10.30am and we saw this native man performing some high pitched screams and pipe blowing skills.cool.

This is what i call the battle between the orangutan and the white man.Alright what they were trying to do is to compete who can pry open the coconut first.It's obvious who won isn't it.That orangutan has the strength of 4 men.My my,i won't wanna be pried open by it.
And here is the sealion in action
When i saw it leaping out of the water like this i wondered how it did that,but perhaps it's inborn in them.
The baby who's so amazed by the performances by the animals,"I'm gonna be an animal trainer someday".
I actually thought penguins were jackasses when i saw this,but,it's just another name for a different type of penguins -_-
They are cute,chubby,and can't fly although they are part of the bird family.However,they are like torpedoes in the water.
It looked like godzilla to me,but it's not.Just some huge crocodile taking its afternoon nap.
The lake placid and bamboo groove background.
Alright,we've come to the zebra crossing now,except that there're no vehicles of all sorts.Just zebras.
This cute little thing (sorry i forgot what it's called) is actually doing sentry duty.SENTRY DUTY,without any weapons though.
Here i present to you the chronicles of narnia,hmmm not exactly i think,i stood there for a good 5 minutes and tried making it roar but nevertheless,it didn't!! ah...lazy lion.
My personal favourite,white skin with a pair of ocean liked blue eyes.Captivating isn't it.
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