My Journey,Without Complications

Thursday, February 17, 2005

reaL abSurD LOLx

A man walks into a bar and asks for six shots of vodka.
The bartender says, "Six shots? What's wrong?"
"I found out my older brother is gay," replied the man.
The next night, he walked into the bar again and asked for six shots of vodka.
"What now?" asked the bartender.
"I found out my younger brother is gay," replied the man.
The night after that, the man walked into the bar again and asked for six shots of vodka.
"Geez, does ANYBODY in your family like women?" asked the bartender.
The man replied, "Yeah, my wife does."

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Vday's SpeciaL

WeLL..iT's VaLentine's day you bought gifts for the gal of your DreaMs?oR Have You Booked a Nice ResTaurant with Romantic Ambience to dIne WitH your VaLentinE?well..If yoU Have not done at LeasT onE of Em..ThEn You'd BetTEr Get It DoNe BefOrE seEing YoUr vaLentIne tomOrroW..nO DoubT it's too ruSh..there're No oTher betTer oPtioNs Left..
LuckY foR mE..i wouldn'T havE to Go ThrouGh aLL those Listed Above TomOrrow..I'm A fRee Man TomoRroW AnD i'D bE spEndinG thE romAntic Night At A martiaL arts HaLL instead..weLL..i Have No OnE on my MinD there's No nEed For Me to celebrate this special occasion tomorrow..well..i'm still searching for my dream one..perhaps i'm too lazy to find..lolx..
Anyway..i wish everyone out there a happy valentine's day in advance..also..guys don't hesitate to ask the gal of your dreams out on a date tomorrow..if you never try.. You'LL never good luck guys..happy valentine's Day !