My Journey,Without Complications

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sakae gym

It's been ages since i last updated. It's gonna be end of july soon and i'm looking forward to august. August 26th. The day where i'll be flying over to vancouver to see honey,yup it's confirmed . I've bought the tickets,worth every penny is what i would say really. Alright,Since 1st of june i've been working at sakae sushi. I believe everyone knows the green frog signboard that writes sakae sushi. Work is really sucky, there's times where i'd really feel like quitting but the thing holding me back is that i don't hafta take any form of transport to get there because it's only a 3 minutes sprint from my house to the restaurant. Not literally though. Alright so what do i do there, oh i get serious bisceps and behavioural hunger management training over there.

I don't really mind the bisceps training i get in sakae because i'm pretty toned by coach so it's quite alright still for me to carry 15 chawanmushi on my left hand and writing orders using the other hand. What i really can't take is the hunger training in sakae sushi, what do i mean, when you're seriously hungry and you thought (i emphasise thought) that you could grab some sushi in the kitchen when they're gonna throw it away at the end of the day anyway. you're wrong. Because that is gonna land you in shit so deep that the manager will literally say Sayonara to you. So sakae sushi will mould you slowly into a sakae sushi-lifter. To take a plate from the conveyor belt when no one is looking and stuff it in your mouth in a totally barbaric way so as to finish that sushi in thirty seconds and immediately take a cup of water and pretend drinking it while the manager steps into the pantry and asks what are you doing. "Cooling down sir" that's what i'll say when the sushi swims down my throat with the huge gulps of water.

But i think i'll continue staying on this job as the manager has approved me resigning for 2 months (because i hafta go vancouver and handle the exams) and re-joining after coming back from vancouver. Oh well..why not make more money for the 2nd trip to vancouver eh?Alright all the best to all taking econs test tomorrow.