My Journey,Without Complications

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

my life~

First things first,sorry for not blogging for such a long time..centuries perhaps..i know..but recently life's been taxing..thus,i am not able to spare time for is becoming more and more taxing each week,work load,stress and other factors are piling up like nobody's business..lolx.yeah..moreover,i think i'm having some sortta cursed week for this week and the last one.i just don't know why i felt this way.perhaps.things didn't really go well for me.i can't blame anyone except for me.I'm just too blur,that's what my sweetie told me.that's why my sweetie is so alert,cos i am the blur one.I think i'm becoming a sleep walking corpse real soon.i'm always feeling sleepy and i just have no idea how to control this.Is there some sortta way which i could implement to stop all these zZz monsters from attacking me?arh..damn..well,what can i say..poly ain't's sleep depriving i guess.ha.

Monday, July 04, 2005


this is absurd..i can't believe it..i just can't believe what i'm's horribly absurd.i did a test just now..and i was so could i be that blur as to miss out certain stuffs and did the entire test like there was no problem at all?arhhh..shit..i know it's no point crying over spilt milk now but...arhh..ya know the agitation that seeps in when you know you could've avoided the mistake?arh...this is so damn...frustrating..arh.. much for the intense heat..recently i'm swimming in stress,deprivation of sleep and many other stuffs.i need to manage my time..but i just don't know why the sleeping bug just loves bugging's so sickening man..yesterday i was supposed to study but in the end i ended up closing my eyes in surrender to the sleeping bug.perhaps in my dreams i was holding a white flag in surrender to the sleeping bug..oh well~perhaps i should include coffee back in my life.ha