my life~
First things first,sorry for not blogging for such a long time..centuries perhaps..i know..but recently life's been taxing..thus,i am not able to spare time for is becoming more and more taxing each week,work load,stress and other factors are piling up like nobody's business..lolx.yeah..moreover,i think i'm having some sortta cursed week for this week and the last one.i just don't know why i felt this way.perhaps.things didn't really go well for me.i can't blame anyone except for me.I'm just too blur,that's what my sweetie told me.that's why my sweetie is so alert,cos i am the blur one.I think i'm becoming a sleep walking corpse real soon.i'm always feeling sleepy and i just have no idea how to control this.Is there some sortta way which i could implement to stop all these zZz monsters from attacking me?arh..damn..well,what can i say..poly ain't's sleep depriving i guess.ha.