The characters mentioned here are all fictional.Any resemblance to real live peeps around me are just coincidental.
*A typical thursday morning,the alarm rang,as usual,i'll hit the snooze button.ironically,i just didn't to that today.instead,i hit the stop button.therefore..the alarm stopped ringing and i slept like a log till 8.45,when lesson starts at 9.oh well..i missed the first lecture of the day and rushed down to school for the presentaion my group and i was supposed to do.
Barging in like an intruder when a group presenting before me was presenting their stuffs to the class,i quickly settled down and listened to their presentation.However,something just caught my ears."rocker" asked plenty of questions to the group presenting.At first i thought he was helping them,but then,i seriously think he ain't,it's more like he was asking for the sake of asking.*note,his english is good.But seriously,i ain't what if you're good?don't flaunt it in front of me."'s our turn.
I admit that not much preperation was done for this presentation,so...we did an impromptu presentation and i guess we pretty much blended in and almost fooled the crowd.i know it's wrong..but..who wouldn't wanna seem confident when they're not?then..*rocker* stepped on my tail.he asked plenty of questions and i just replied in a very harsh that moment,i just felt so pissed,that whatever he says,i just fished it back with my harshest and calmest replies.i think my teacher felt that it was more like a debating session than a QNA session.
After the entire presentation,i did feel guilty for being that harsh to *rocker*.i didn't know why i was so sincerely apologise to you dude,i just wish the word hate will not appear that much in my dictionary.i dislike the feeling of hating anything.i'm sorry dude.
This is just a story.don't take it into account as it's just a part extracted from the tw's files.
*A typical thursday morning,the alarm rang,as usual,i'll hit the snooze button.ironically,i just didn't to that today.instead,i hit the stop button.therefore..the alarm stopped ringing and i slept like a log till 8.45,when lesson starts at 9.oh well..i missed the first lecture of the day and rushed down to school for the presentaion my group and i was supposed to do.
Barging in like an intruder when a group presenting before me was presenting their stuffs to the class,i quickly settled down and listened to their presentation.However,something just caught my ears."rocker" asked plenty of questions to the group presenting.At first i thought he was helping them,but then,i seriously think he ain't,it's more like he was asking for the sake of asking.*note,his english is good.But seriously,i ain't what if you're good?don't flaunt it in front of me."'s our turn.
I admit that not much preperation was done for this presentation,so...we did an impromptu presentation and i guess we pretty much blended in and almost fooled the crowd.i know it's wrong..but..who wouldn't wanna seem confident when they're not?then..*rocker* stepped on my tail.he asked plenty of questions and i just replied in a very harsh that moment,i just felt so pissed,that whatever he says,i just fished it back with my harshest and calmest replies.i think my teacher felt that it was more like a debating session than a QNA session.
After the entire presentation,i did feel guilty for being that harsh to *rocker*.i didn't know why i was so sincerely apologise to you dude,i just wish the word hate will not appear that much in my dictionary.i dislike the feeling of hating anything.i'm sorry dude.
This is just a story.don't take it into account as it's just a part extracted from the tw's files.