What's UP?
Alright,at last the damn sun can finally be seen after 2 weeks of bad weather.well..i guess when the sun's fully up and blasting again,we'll miss the rain.I was reading a person's blog when i stumbled upon this and find the resemblance,a little bit funny.pardon me if you're reading and is apparently a hard core fan of andy lau.

what's so nice up there really?i won't be shocked if i go into 7 eleven later to find most models posing like this.ha..i got this picture from kennysia's web.it's a very entertaining blog i would say.ha.
what really will shock me is to see participants of the upcoming superband,singapore idol and campus superstar all singing and posing this way to the camera.Ha!

what's so nice up there really?i won't be shocked if i go into 7 eleven later to find most models posing like this.ha..i got this picture from kennysia's web.it's a very entertaining blog i would say.ha.
what really will shock me is to see participants of the upcoming superband,singapore idol and campus superstar all singing and posing this way to the camera.Ha!